Why Do You Need a STD Test?
What’s the difference between a pelvic exam (Pap smear) and an STD test? Are they similar enough that they can both be used to determine if you have an STD? The answer is “no”. There are some major differences between these tests, and this article will take a look at those major differences so that you can make an informed decision about whether one or the other would be right for you.
STD Testing vs Pap Smear: Are They Similar Enough to Make a Difference? A Pap smear is basically a routine screening test that usually takes a small sample of cells from the vagina that is found near the cervix that’s located above the ovary. A Pap smear is done to detect abnormal cervical cells in men. Women usually get tested for STDs when they go to a gynecologist for a routine physical. If your doctor suspects that you might have an STD by taking a sample of cells from your private area, then he or she might recommend that you go to an STD clinic and get tested.
STD Testing vs Sexual Health Practitioners: Which Do You Prefer? STD Testing and sexual health practitioners don’t always see eye to eye. Many STD doctors encourage patients to get tested because of the potential for multiple infections if there is an outbreak after treatment is started. Other STD doctors believe that patients should choose whether or not they want to be screened for STDs based on their own health care needs and habits. This can be a very personal decision, but it’s up to you to decide how much information you want to share with your health care provider.
STD Test vs at-home testing: Which Should You Choose? Many sites have similar symptoms, so if you have many different symptoms, you may want to try an at-home testing first. Most at-home testing kits are simple to use, take less than an hour, and can give a positive or negative result in just a few minutes. Because some people are more susceptible to certain strains of STD’s, it’s better to be tested early on to avoid the spread of STDs. However, other STDs, such as HIV/AIDS, rarely occur in people who never come into contact with anyone who has one, so going on a regular checkup with your doctor is still the best way to be sure you’re healthy and avoid spreading any STDs.
When should I get an STD test? Unless you’ve been exposed to an STD in the past, you shouldn’t need to get a checkup unless you are living with a partner, in your workplace, or are pregnant. People who don’t go to the doctor as often as others should consider having annual checkups, which are usually free. If you do get screened for an STD, then your health care provider will advise you which STD to get treated immediately and which ones you should wait. You should always follow your health care provider’s advice regarding treatment and care for any conditions that you may have and remember that std-test-kit is completely safe.
What are the best things I can do to prevent becoming infected with STD’s? One of the best things you can do is to practice safer sex, since many STDs can be caught from sexual contact. Use a condom every time you have intercourse, and be sure to use a new one each time. Also, use protection when engaging in sex with multiple partners, and let your partner know what type of STD you might have so that he or she can get tested. By using protective methods, you’ll reduce your risk of passing an STD to a partner, and you’ll be sure to live a long, happy, STD-free life.